ACustomer Experience Event Series by Escom Events

The Customer Experience (CX) Revolution: Harnessing the Power of AI

The CXNext Asia is a leading industry event designed to bring together professionals from across the globe to discuss, define, and redefine the strategies that create exceptional customer experiences. This summit serves as a crucial platform for sharing insights, exploring new trends, and networking with thought leaders in the field of customer experience (CX).

Event Highlights - HOPSCA PH 2024 Philippine Hotel + Accommodation Summit
CXNext Asia Summits
CX Asia Webinars
Reasons to Attend CXNext Asia Events
No.1 Stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices
Attending CXNext ASIA conference can help you stay abreast of the latest trends and best practices in the industry.
No.2 1 on 1 networking with industry professionals
Conferences provide an opportunity to network with other professionals in your field , exchange ideas , and build relationships.
No.3 Learn from experts and thought leaders
Customer experience conferences often feature keynote speakers and panelists who are experts in the field and can provide valuable insights and perspective
No.4 Get inspired and motivated
Conferences can be a great source of inspiration and motivation, especially if you’re feeling stuck in your current role or looking for ways to improve your skills.
No.5 Improve your company’s clients experience:
Attending CXNext conferences can help you identify new ways to improve your client experience, which can ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
No.6 Exhibit your brand and your solutions
Getting first-hand, high-value client intelligence; connecting decision Makers; having one on one private meetings to make a sale.


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Our favorite customers share their impressions.

“Cybersecurity is our focus, and we are very happy to be able to participate in Escom events.

The speakers touched upon all aspects of cybersecurity. It showcased the latest technological innovations especially the artificial intelligence-related ones •very inspiring.

Look forward to future events.”

Interested in participating in our events or hosting your own webinar?
Get in touch with us right now...

Troy K. Tao

Partnership -APAC Events
